Monday 18 March 2013

Last gathering of BIRO and trip to Teluk Batik from Proton City in just 1 night

Peace be upon you...=)
In this entry I would like to share my experience about the gathering of my Biro Kebajikan dan Perkhidmatan and my trip to Teluk Batik from Proton City in just one night..!! First i want to share about the last gathering of my biro at KFC BHP tg malim.... Since that the diploma student will finish exam in few more EXCO decide to have a last gathering with all member of this BIRO...we also do exchange present among all the members... these are some pictures that I can share with you...
some present
female members of my biro(very sporting)

outside of KFC

i got a present...hehe

more pictures

my EXCO red shawl

hot and spicy

more pictures

Now I want to share my best experience which is the trip to Teluk Batik from Proton City... Teluk Batik located about 175 KM from Tg Malim... we manage to get there without planning and servicing our car...hahaha..
we left at about 1 a.m and reached there about 5 a.m... after snapping some pictures and take a walk at the beach, we went to my sister's house at seri manjung... we take our lunch there and left back at 3 p.m....on the way back home we met with a "pailang" driver bus...he drive very dangerously and show a knife to us.... but nothing happened and we reached Proton City at about 5 p.m... here are the pitures...

breakfast at MCD


lazy to change

beach walk

on the way

on the Teluk Batik beach

we went there by this car

more pic

on the beach

me with crab

with starfish

on the beach


me and starfish

refreshment on the way

I think that all for tonight..
good night... smile always... :)

Thursday 7 March 2013

Peace be upon you

           Today i woke up at 6.30 am to go to class...unfortunately when i arrived at the friend told me that the class has been cancelled... what a wonderful start isn't it???? -_-''... i have my breakfast at Teratak umairah near the KTM station... then at 3.30 pm i go to EL3 (english language 3) with a double decker bus,... i think only my university provided the double decker bus for i listen to a forum organised by jawatan kuasa mahasiswa kolej ungku omar...i dont know the title...just listen to it.. the panelist are ustaz halim din and yat hamzah...the forum is quite catchy.. after posting this entry i have to do some assignment for my subject...a have to make a poster using microsoft word...hahaha...ok la...this is for picture tonight... smile always... =)

Sunday 3 March 2013


It has been very long time since I did my last fitness. Yesterday I started my "fitness" with my friend, syafiq asri.. we both hope that we can get rid of this stubborn fat in our We jog around our residential college in Proton City and do some exercise that can build up our muscle..haha..we both love to eat..that why we want to do some exercise that can burn our fat.. we just ate at yup, our diet is worst..haha.. but what can we do...we just can't control our love towards food... we called syafiq as 'cina mabuk' (not to be racist) but he look like a chinese man and always acting like a drunk person.. since today is sunday, so there is nothing interesting to talk about because i just spend my time in my room.. but something best today is apek and i have trolled the most fierce woman in KUO (kolej ungku omar) another residential college..mine is KHAR (kolej harun aminurrashid)..haha...i think that all for tonight... peace be upon u..
this is you know why we call him apek mabuk right..haha
please kindly ignore the woman..i just want to show the KHAR signboard
i've told you that we love food right??

Friday 1 March 2013


Main entrance
As the name change, this entry also changed. Starting from now i will post all the entry in this 
blog using English. It has been so long since the last entry that i've posted. Now i am in second 

HOSTEL (like legoland) lol

another view

Mosque in proton city campus
shuttle bus in UPSI
view in proton city campus

shah's car (lancer old school)

view of proton city campus
semester as a teaching English as second language student. i have made a lot of friends throughout the first semester. The second semester start with a very boring week. We start this semester at new campus in Proton City. With no wi-fi, small amount of food stall. It is quite hard to survive at this proton city esspecially with no wi-fi....hahaha.. I also have classes at old campus which take 15 minutes from proton city. I go there with my friend's car(shah). I hope after this i will have time and strength to write entry to be posted and hoping this blog will 'alive' But to be honest, i am a lazy person and not good in writing. I think this is all what i want to write about my experience in proton city. =)

beautiful isn't it??
proton factory

Wednesday 17 October 2012

pengalaman baru..

dah lama rasanya x update blog ni...entri ni ak wat setelah sbulan kat UPSI..universiti pendidikan tanjung malim..pengalaman dok kat 'u' ni sgt menarik...u ni mmg sinonim dgn ckgu la...bla masuk u ni msti org akan pnggil kita ckgu....kat sini ak ambik kos mmg pndang tinggi kat budak2 TESL ak rsa bdak yg ambik TESL ni x lah special mna pon...sma mcm bdak2  kos len gak..kat sni ak jmpak bnyak gak la bnda baru....sperti biasa...bdak klantan yg ramai...kat sni ak dpt kwn bru gak..syafiq asri,shah,nizar,fitri,rabbani,kay,..rmai lg la...dalam hidup ni mmg ada pasang surut...kkdang kita kat atas...kekadang kta kat tu lah hidup....ak ni jnis yg x rjin mnulis,,hehe, nk berblog gak...haha...ok lah...slamat malam...

Friday 2 March 2012


semalam ak p Yan utk mnghadiri satu program anjuran spa2 yg x tau YaPEIM tu apa Yayasan Pembangunan Islam Malaysia..program ni dijalankan kat sekolah menengah agama fauzi.. skolah ni dkat yan la..dkat dgn hospital yan...program ni lbih krang mcm program khidmat msyarakat jgak sbenaqnya ada unsur politik...hehe...agenda politik ni ak dpat tau drpd slah sorang drebar santun wktu dia hntaq ak p stesen bas sg. petani ptg tadi....stgi la ak cita psai agenda politik ni ak nk cita apa yg ak dpat waktu kt program ni...kt program ni ak brkenalan dgn sorang ahli kelab santun (kelab SANTUN ni under YaPEIM)..dia ni ambik kos psikologi kt UIA...bru dok wat dia smbang mcm dh wat master...hahaha...dia cita la kat ak subjek psikologi ni mcm mna...psikologi ni lbih kurang ala2 biologi jgak la...diorang kaji tntang behaviour mnusia...diorang blajar mcm mna nk describe satu2 situation n how to manage the situation....ak dngaq mcm bes jgak la..ak rsa mcm nk apply plak utk kos brader ni kata kna pointer ak tarik balikla impian ak nk apply utk kos ni..haha..pham2 sniri ja la...ak x bleh stay smpai program ni habis sbab ak terpaksa balik ats sebab2 yg x dpt diuruskan...sdih gila sbab esok sramai lbih kurang 30 org tok2 guru dari sluruh kedah n perlis akn brkumpul kt sekolah ni utk trima bntuan drpd pon ak bru smpai rumah ja setelah 3 jam naik bas dari SP ke rumah ak..wktu OTW ke stesen bas td...ak smbang2 la dgn abg drebar keta tu...dia ckap dkat yan ni org kuat bila ada program yg mlibatkan krajaan prskutuan msti diorang xkan bg umno telah mnggunakan taktik licik dgn mmpergunakan YaPEIM utk mnjalankan program khidmat msyarakat supaya org x nmpak sgt agenda sbenaq diorang...esk mnteri di jabatan perdana menteri akn merasmikan program ni...Jamil Khir baharom yg akn mrasmikan koperasi yg dbagi kt skolah agama fauzi ni..smbil dia lwat tmpat tu msti dia akn lobi pnduduk kt yan plihan raya dh dkat..mngkin dua ekoq lmbu akn ditumbangkan tnggalkan la bab2 politik ni....ak bkan minat sgt pon bab2 ni....wktu ak dok tggu bas kt stesen td ak snggah la kat satu kedai makan....ak order bakso...bakso dia mmg sedap...tak mcm bakso kat kolej ak...haha..mmg seriously sdap bakso mk cik ni...time tu ak sorang ja kastemer kat warung tu...tetiba mk cik tokey kdai tu mai duduk semeja dgn ak...ak ingt mak cik ni org indon tp rupa2nya dia org sarawak...dia crita mcm mna dia brmula dlm prniagaan bakso ni...mcm mna org cuba nk jatuhkan dia sbab awai2 dia meniaga bakso,,dia bleh tkaq tiga bijik keta dlam masa sbulan....(katanya la)...hehe.....touching jgak la dngaq cita dia...lpas hbis mkan ak blah la dri kdai dia sbab bs dh nk jalan...nk naik bas tp dh pnuh...kna la tggu bas len plak....dalam dok tggu bas tu plak trjadi lagi satu prkara...ak telah didatangi oleh seoran uncle india...uncle ni yg mulakn cita dlu....ak pon layan ja la...cita dia mcm ni...dia mai kt ak dia kata dia kol rumah dia n dia ltak la wallet dia ats public phone tu...pastu dia blah mcm tu ja tnpa ambik wallet dia....then bla trsedar yg dia trtinggal wallet...cangank lg...pecut la dia p kat publik fon malangnya wallet dia dh hilang....ak pon just angguk2 kpala ja la....(nk tunjuk simpati la kononnya)hehe...pastu uncle ni ulang skali lg cita dia td...ak pon "hmm"kan ja la...rupa2nya uncle ni nk mai pinjam duit ngan ak...ak yg x pham...bangang tol ak ni..ak pon bg la dua hinggit lapan posen kat uncle ni..dia ckap dia nk balik tikam batu....then xdak dh perkara mnarik yg brlaku kcuali ada sorang amoi cina yg duduk sbelah ak waktu naik bas dari shahab ke changlun...dh pkai sluaq paras paha....trgugat iman ak...hehe....lpas lbih krang 3 jam smpai la ak kt umah....pastu ak tlis blog ni...pasni ak nk tido....chow...

Thursday 23 February 2012


cubaan prtama gue tuk nulis ni dh lama dh d'create tapi mlang nya akibat kebutaan ITku mnyebabkan ak x leh nk bkak ak pnya blog blik...(bangang tol)hahaha...tapi stelah brguru dgn sifu sarah akhirnya ak dh bleh brblog....hahaha(gelak jahat)..anyway...thnx to sarah jamil.....ak boh nama chempedaknangka ni sbab ak x taw nk boh nama apa.... cempedak dan nangka adalah spesies buah2an tropika...ak x suka makan pon buah ni...time ak create blog ni mak ak tgh goreng cucoq cempedak...tu sbab ak boh nama ni kot...SELAMAT BERBLOG UTK AK...HAHAHAHA