Monday 18 March 2013

Last gathering of BIRO and trip to Teluk Batik from Proton City in just 1 night

Peace be upon you...=)
In this entry I would like to share my experience about the gathering of my Biro Kebajikan dan Perkhidmatan and my trip to Teluk Batik from Proton City in just one night..!! First i want to share about the last gathering of my biro at KFC BHP tg malim.... Since that the diploma student will finish exam in few more EXCO decide to have a last gathering with all member of this BIRO...we also do exchange present among all the members... these are some pictures that I can share with you...
some present
female members of my biro(very sporting)

outside of KFC

i got a present...hehe

more pictures

my EXCO red shawl

hot and spicy

more pictures

Now I want to share my best experience which is the trip to Teluk Batik from Proton City... Teluk Batik located about 175 KM from Tg Malim... we manage to get there without planning and servicing our car...hahaha..
we left at about 1 a.m and reached there about 5 a.m... after snapping some pictures and take a walk at the beach, we went to my sister's house at seri manjung... we take our lunch there and left back at 3 p.m....on the way back home we met with a "pailang" driver bus...he drive very dangerously and show a knife to us.... but nothing happened and we reached Proton City at about 5 p.m... here are the pitures...

breakfast at MCD


lazy to change

beach walk

on the way

on the Teluk Batik beach

we went there by this car

more pic

on the beach

me with crab

with starfish

on the beach


me and starfish

refreshment on the way

I think that all for tonight..
good night... smile always... :)

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