Friday 1 March 2013


Main entrance
As the name change, this entry also changed. Starting from now i will post all the entry in this 
blog using English. It has been so long since the last entry that i've posted. Now i am in second 

HOSTEL (like legoland) lol

another view

Mosque in proton city campus
shuttle bus in UPSI
view in proton city campus

shah's car (lancer old school)

view of proton city campus
semester as a teaching English as second language student. i have made a lot of friends throughout the first semester. The second semester start with a very boring week. We start this semester at new campus in Proton City. With no wi-fi, small amount of food stall. It is quite hard to survive at this proton city esspecially with no wi-fi....hahaha.. I also have classes at old campus which take 15 minutes from proton city. I go there with my friend's car(shah). I hope after this i will have time and strength to write entry to be posted and hoping this blog will 'alive' But to be honest, i am a lazy person and not good in writing. I think this is all what i want to write about my experience in proton city. =)

beautiful isn't it??
proton factory

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